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Themes and Tensions

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Prototyping Brainstorming

Procter and Gamble


Procter and Gamble partnered with our Northwestern design team to solve the issues surrounding current deep floor cleaning products, while incorporating their existing surface care brand.


My primary role during this project was product design and design research. The primary goal of this project was to create an easier, more intuitive, and better solution to the deep floor cleaning space.


This project is under NDA.


Product Designer,

Design Researcher



Sep 2023 - Dec 2023


Our team started this journey with extensive secondary research, familiarizing ourselves with the product space and current solutions. We met with the P&G partners as well as in-home interviews to understand the user needs and gaps in the deep floor cleaning space.

Interview & Ideate

Once our team compiled common themes and pain points, we began our first round of in-home interviews. These interviews allowed our team to better position ourselves to begin ideating and prototyping solutions.

Prototype & Test

Next, we created a variety of prototypes that address the design requirements from the sponsors as well as the users needs.

Our team conducted prototype testing with 8 users to further gain insights and develop our designs. Each team member conducted 2 interviews and note-took for 2 interviews.

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Mid-point Presentation

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Prototype Testing


We presented our solution to P&G stakeholders in Cincinnati, Ohio. The feedback and experience working alongside P&G was an amazing opportunity, and I am excited for what's next.

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Team members: Brittany Ransom, Erik Chappell, and Alex Lansing

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